Meet Onyx! He is an F1 Mini Springerdoodle. His color is Black/white. He is nonshed hypoallergenic.. He was born on 4/16/24. His personality is calm, friendly. Hes never met a stranger :-). Being raised in the home exposed to kids of various ages, cats & kittens as well as other dogs he is well rounded and friendly. Both of the parents as well as Grandparents are our personal pets and so we know her background and lineage very well. His litter was bred with purpose for medium size hypoallergenic outcomes, with excellent family and companion dog temperaments. Our goal is to provide families and individuals with happy, healthy smart family dogs that have all the desirable traits. Our pups will go home with up-to-date and age appropriate vaccines, dewormed on routine, and microchipped, a complimentary take home tote that will include various starter items such as collar/leash, toys, scented comfort blankie, waste bag dispenser+waste bags, and a gallon of the kibble they are currently on. 1 YR written congenital Health Guarantee given. Special offer for discount on registering your pups microchip as lifetime member through my breeder account. As a longtime ethical experienced breeder of 25+ years I offer lifetime support and look hearing from you at all points during your pups lifetime through pictures and updates. If you think this puppy might be a good fit for you I welcome you to reach out to me with any questions you may have, and to potentially schedule a visit for you to see this puppy in person. Please ask about shipping option if this is needed.
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