Strikingly marked male micro Bernedoodle estimated to be 16 to 20lbs full grown. Dad is a 16lb micro Bernedoodle and mom is a 20lb full tri colored poodle. Lucky is about 25% Bernese Mountain dog and 75% Poodle. Thus making him very likely to be hypoallergenic. This lucky guy has a lush curly to loose curled tri colored coat with white abstract markings. Both parents are health tested. Photo of mom Megan and dad Bruno above. All of our babies are raised in home with love and highly socialized. He will come with a genetic health guarantee and much more. We offer FaceTime appointments to meet our babies and see the nursery in real time. We have a flight nanny for those in farther states and we offer ground transportation for those near by. We have an instagram, tik tok, facebook page, good dog account, and an official website. Feel free to text and call 708-200-5873. 📞
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