

Miniature Poodle
Male, Born on 10/28/2022 - 2 years old

All About Me!

Jay is an AKC and CKC registered with pedigree Black Merle miniature poodle. He weighs 17lbs and is 14.5" tall. He was born on October 28, 2022(2 Years). He will be ready to go January 28, 2025. He is neutered! His DNA and health testing results are 1 Methemoglobinemia, Ee, KBKy, ayat, DD, NN, Bb, NI, SS, Mm, rr, and hh. COI 6%; AKC DNA # V10083806; Normal OFA patella's. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about his results! He is kennel trained. Up to date on his shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. He has been DNA and health tested by embark. He gets his heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 26th. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, teal size(9-20lbs). He is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. He is up-to-date on his shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till February 2025, AKC and ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, normal patella's, kennel trained, and micro-chipped. Jay loves to dance and roll is grass. He barks when he hears or sees something he is unsure of. He sees himself as alpha of the pack here, only looking up to our standard Poodle Prince for guidance. He is a typical male and pees on anything and everything. He is fine with puppies and other dogs but is very protective over his females. He does fine with grooming besides for his paws and face but other than that he just lays there and does great. Jay came from a puppy mill, the "breeder" lied to me and said he was a toy when he clearly wasn't because when I got him he was already 4lbs. He has been with us since he was 8 weeks old. The reason for him going up for adoption is the following: He is a very LARGE miniature POODLE(want to get back into doing toys not doing larger sizes) and I can only use him with a few of my bigger girls here. *I am down sizing*

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