Hello & thank you so much for your interest in our standard f1 bernedoodle litter! Mama, Flower, is an AKC tri parti standard poodle female, weighing 50lbs. She is the sweetest, most gentle, and loving doggie! She is amazing with kiddos and other dogs. Daddy, Spruce, is an AKC Bernese mountain dog, weighing 125lbs. He is a BIG gentle giant. He loves people, and is literally SO smart. He loves the outdoors too. We anticipate Flower & Spruce’s puppies to be around 80-100lbs full grown. Both Flower & Spruce are genetic health tested to ensure healthy puppies. The puppies will come home utd on vaccines, dewormer, vet checked, and a one year genetic health guarantee. We are asking for a $200 nonrefundable but transferable deposit via cashapp or Zelle to reserve a puppy! We are happy to FaceTime, provide references, and schedule in person visits (once puppies are 4 weeks of age and vaccinated). They will be 8 weeks & ready to come home November 21st, 2024. We are FLEXIBLE on pickup! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us! 260-443-9035. www.yarnellefur-babies.com
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