Adorable micro tiny male. Charting to be 2 1/2lbs full grown. He weighs 2lbs 3ozs right now! He is pictured next to an 8 week old pup above. He is a black long coat pure bred Chihuahua. He has several champions in his pedigree. His grandsire was imported from Moscow. The price listed is pet price only, no breeding rights are being offered with this little guy. He has a nice apple head and big bright beautiful expressive eyes! I have been working with him on potty training and he is doing very well. He will come with age appropriate de-wormings and vaccinations including Bordetella. He has been socialized with adults, older children, and other dogs. He is a very sweet little boy. He loves to be cuddled and loves to play. He is very happy and fun. He loves attention. This little boy is friendly and loves everyone. If interested please email or call. Price is firm. Serious inquires only please.
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