Maeve is incredibly sweet and affectionate. This sweet girl will weigh 6-8 lbs fully grown. She loves to play with her siblings and cuddle with her humans. She has a wonderful, friendly, outgoing personality. Maeve is deaf and her price has been discounted to reflect that. She will need a special, loving home with the patience to teach her sign language and keep her safe. We will of course be available every step of the way, to answer questions about her training and any other concerns you may have. Maeve's disability does not slow her down, she has been deaf since birth and doesn't know that she has a disability. The only way that you know she is deaf, is that when she is sleeping, nothing wakes her up. She has learned simple hand gestures for come, go, no, kisses and drop it. All of our puppies are socialized from birth and love people of all ages and other animals. They have incredible personalities, are funny, sweet, playful and love to cuddle! They love to play with each other and toys. They have gorgeous, thick, soft coats. They have been completely evaluated by our veterinarian and given age appropriate vaccinations. She comes with a microchip, potty pad trained and a health guarantee (all of our parents are completely health tested prior to breeding and our puppies have had at least 2 complete vet checkups), 30 days no cost, no obligation health insurance and a goody bag. If you are interested in making Maeve yours, please contact me and request an application and further information.
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