Mugzy is ready for her new home. She is 2.330 lb. Tricolor black. She is a little bit shy. A real cutie pie. When you bring home one of my puppies, you're not just getting a furry companion, you're welcoming a new member into your family. I believe in providing the best care and love for my chihuahuas, from the moment they are born until they find their forever homes. They eat homemade food and drink spring water. I will always be here if you need me. I hope to get lots of updates and pictures from you. They receive the vaccinations needed and are wormed every two weeks to ensure their health and well-being. Additionally, my veterinarian evaluates each puppy to guarantee they are in optimal condition before they leave my home. To ensure a smooth transition, I make homemade food for all my puppies, providing them with a wholesome diet. I firmly believe that a well-nourished pup is a happy and healthy pup. Moreover, my puppies are not kept in kennels; they are raised in my home and showered with affection. They are socialized and exposed to various experiences, allowing them to develop balanced temperaments. When it comes to finding the right home for my puppies, I am selective. I only offer them to loving and responsible individuals or families who will provide them with the care and attention they deserve. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. Together, we can discuss transportation options, whether it's traveling by car or exploring the possibility of flying. On things like potty training, you and your puppy will learn and grow together. I am here to support you every step of the way as you and your new pup grow and learn. I want to help you find the perfect match, a puppy that not only captures your heart but also brings joy to your family for years to come. Rest assured; I strive to make the transition of bringing a new puppy into your home as stress-free as possible. Your pup will be well-prepared and ready to embark on this new chapter with you. So, if you're looking for a loving and cherished addition to your family, I am here to help you find the perfect puppy that you will connect with on a deep and lasting level. If for some reason you can't keep your pup, I am happy to take the baby back. No question asked. Please understand this is a 24\7 gig when done right. Give me time to reply to you. No scams here I ask the same of you. Thank you. 500 down will hold your puppy. Cash - Cash app - Zelle
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