Houston is the sweetest and loves to be groomed and pampered. He has a very calm and laid back personality, he will be around 6-7 lb, he weighed 1.7lbs on Jan 8th at his last vet visit. He has beautiful green eyes with flecks of blue to compliment his gorgeous chocolate/tan merle coat with white on his chest and tips of toes. He is being raised up in our home with our family and children socialized daily, up-to-date on current vaccines, vet checked, on a deworming schedule and has started puppy pad training. Both parents have been genetic tested via Embark. He is AKC registered, price is for Pet home only. He will be ready for his new home after Jan 19th, I will accept a deposit of $500 to hold until then. If you have any other questions about him feel free to call or email me. You can also see videos of him and his siblings at Robatues Precious Royalty on FB.
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