Alpha is a loving male in unique silver harlequin pattern. He is the first to exit the crate on his own. His mother is a 10 lb. harlequin pocket beagle and his father is an 11 lb. tan and white pocket beagle. Both parents are proven to produce healthy offspring. Their temperaments are loving and fun, and owners express the same of their offspring. We are open for visitors to come and personally choose a puppy, to make deposits and arrange for delivery or pick up. We can assist with ground transport or are willing to meet owners at the airport for in cabin transport to your home. We have been breeding this breed for 11 years and before that we breed larger AKC beagles for seven years. Our puppies come with a one year health guarantee and are dewormed and Immunized. Some options for additional cost are registration and pedigree, veterinary exam and health certificate and travel crate.
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