We have a litter of AKC Golden Retrievers that were born December 18,2024. There are 4 available females and 2 available males. These puppies are 3/4 English creams. The mama is 1/2 English cream and the daddy is an English cream. All of the puppies are light Golden and are beautiful. Both parents have the calmest and best temperaments. GREAT with kids! These puppies are being raised around 3 small children who love and spoil them daily. The puppies come with AKC papers (Limited Registration) , 2 sets of shots and will be UTD on deworming before going to their new homes. (FULL registration can be discussed for an additional fee) . They will be ready for their new homes February 5. $950. (A $100 deposit is required to hold a puppy). Located in Penhook Virginia. If interested please call or text Sarah at 434-709-8243. Serious inquiries only please. Thanks and God Bless! Also follow us on Facebook for the latest updates at Friendly Goldens & GSPS. (Link below) https://www.facebook.com/golden.wells.96?mibextid=ZbWKwL
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