Getting out of breeding business! He could be used for someone’s breeding program or could be just the very best paw friend ever to cuddle with on the couch. UPDATE: He had just last week physical examined by vet, UTD on rabies and vaccinations.He is healthy. Jerry is a black phantom miniature poodle weighs around 12 lbs. He is around 12 inches tall. He has sired many beautiful Aussiedoodle puppies. He is a proven stud muffin. He is sweet, out going, but sometimes shy around other people. He is a very loving boy. He loves to jump in your arms. He is kennel trained with a doggie door and house training he will have to wear a belly band. He has been health tested with Embark and cleared 100%. He is NAPR registered. He has been only paired with my mini Aussies. If interested call or text me 256-763-4107.
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