This handsome sassy boy is looking for a wonderful new home. Estimated weight will be about 5-6 lbs. Mom is 5.5 lbs, Dad is 5 lbs. Both Akc registered. Puppies are for pets only. No registration. Currently using a doggie door to go outside to potty so housetraining is much easier. He will be examined by our Veterinarian before leaving. We will provide his Shot Record and copy of Vet exam. He is microchipped and has 1 Year Congenital Health Guarantee. Due to no-shows we cannot hold without $100 Non-Refundable Deposit which is included in price. We can meet part-way or offer personal delivery. If you would like to make this sweet boy a part of your family, please call or text Maureen at 417-293-7907 for additional information and pictures
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