Meet tiny little teacup Arctic he is a gorgeous smooth coat apple head purebred Chihuahua. Arctic is super tiny and will be under 4 lb for grown both parents are on site Dad is a Russian import that is champion sired. Both parents are extreme Apple heads and are beautiful chihuahuas and on site. Mom is 4lbs dad is 3lbs. Dad is a Russian import . Mom is Russian bloodlines born here tho. These puppies are well socialized around children and other animals they have sweet outgoing happy spunky little personalities they love to give finger nibbles and kisses. they are using puppy pads and eating hard dog food on their own They will come with their shot and deworming records, some food that they've been weaned on, some treats a blanket with familiar scenes to help them adjust to their new home, a collar with a bell so you can hear them around the house and a couple puppy pads to get you started . He is also available for delivery we use speedy pets ground pet delivery service at owner's expense You can contact me for their information or find them on Facebook as speedy pets .For more information please feel free to call or text 248-701-5358 Happy Holidays!!
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