Meet “Sugar” this little gal was born 12/1. mother is a 4 lb Cream father is a 3 1/2 lb Cream Sable This tiny bundle of fluff should mature to about 4 lbs She is the perfect tiny doll with a super teddy bear face and shortest little muzzle. This pup is being placed as a companion pet $2000. A deposit can reserve this pup Pups will come vet checked with age appropriate vaccines and deworming with a health guarantee. We are located in Phoenix Arizona and welcome home visits. Photos will be updated every 2 wks If you are out of state we can do a live video call Photos of parents are posted on this add When pups are ready to they can be picked up in person. You can drive down or fly down on a round trip ticket where we meet u at the airport with your pup that u fly back home with 602 699-9six84. U can text to set up an appointment. Pups go home with a stater kit
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