Hazel is a beautiful AKC Full registration female newfoundland. She is on the smaller side of newfoundlands weighing at 80 lbs at her last check up but don't let size hold you back she has a big personality. She had one litter of 6 brown puppies that out grew her quickly. She has been really healthy with zero issues her brother passed OFA and comes from Southland newfoundlands they health tested her parents through embark and had their hips checked before breeding. She is great with other dogs and loves to be pet. She is very gentle and patient and would be great with kids. Her only drawback is she can be choosy with her female dog friends at times and loves to dig holes but with exercise she will not have the energy to dig. She is house trained rarely has accidents in the house also she no longer chews. She is a active girl and loves to run around playing with anyone that will play with her. She loves to go for walks and walks really responsive on leash. If you are interested in Hazel please contact me at 801-835-6790.
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