Winnie is an F1 mini Bernedoodle that I estimate to be between 35 to 45 pounds as an adult. Our proud parents are Josie and Amos. The mom, Josie, is an AKC registered Bernese Mountain Dog that weighs 85 pounds. The dad, Amos, is a mini-Poodle that weighs 15 pounds. He is fully furnished, so your puppy is guaranteed to have a fluffy face, known as the teddy bear look. She has the wavy haircoat and will be very low shedding. She is being family raised and does great around children. She was born on November 23, 2024, and will be ready for her forever home on January 18, 2025. On January 10th, she weighed 8lb 8oz. Our puppies are current on vaccinations and dewormed, fully vet checked and come with a 1 Year Health Guarantee. They will be sent to their new homes micro-chipped, with a puppy collar, leash and a small bag of puppy food. We are currently accepting a $500.00 deposit to reserve the puppy of your choice with the remaining balance due at time of pickup or the day before shipping. We do accept Venmo, Zelle, wire transfer or PayPal. We do allow you to pick up your puppy at our house but if this does not work for you, we can either ship with American Airlines or with ground transporters.
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