Eddie is an adorable little guy! He was 2.31 lbs. at 6 weeks. His mom is a registered Havanese, 8.5 lbs., and dad is a registered Toy Poodle and he is 8 lbs. The puppies were born and being raised in out sunroom and are using, not always, pee pads and a pelleted litter box. The puppies are being wormed every 2 weeks and have gotten their 6 week vaccination and had his at 8 weeks. We can drive some to meet and if you want to have a puppy shipped the buyer pays all shipping cost. For me to hold a puppy for you there is a $200 non-refundable, unless something happens to the puppy while in my care, deposit. The remainder will be paid in cash when you receive your puppy. Please text me at 417 250-1069. If you do call, please leave a message.
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