This absolutely gorgeous boy is looking for a wonderful new home. His pretty red and white markings and partial blue eye give him a stunning beautiful look that will steal your heart. He is quiet, calm and will be a perfect family pet. He weighs about 10 lbs. Mom is 10 lb Shihpoo, Dad is 12lb Shih Tzu. He uses a doggie door to go outside to potty so housetraining is much easier. He will be examined by our Veterinarian before leaving and receive his Rabies vaccination . We will provide his Shot Record, Rabies certificate and tag. He is microchipped and has 1 Year Congenital Health Guarantee. Due to no-shows we cannot hold without $100 Non-Refundable Deposit which is included in price. We can meet part-way or offer personal delivery. If you would like to make this sweet boy a part of your family, please call or text Maureen at 417-293-7907 for additional information and pictures
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