Chappell is one of 2 blue females we currently have 💜 We currently have 10 puppies born 11/13/24. We have both fawns and blues. Puppies will be ready at 8 weeks with UPT shots, vet check, and transport papers if necessary. My husband and I have been raising Dobermans for over 20 years and absolutely love the breed and love our family pets. Please message me with any questions. We work with a transporter that can get your new friend to you at an affordable rate and quickly. My husband and I have raised dobermans for over 20 years. Our dogs are very intelligent, eager to learn, and have great temperaments. Our goal is to raise a well rounded family pet for other people that enjoy the breed as much as we do. We have a fawn male, Fennec, and a blue female, Indigo. We currently have a litter of blue and fawn! They will be ready for their new homes January 8, 2025! We can meet within an hour from Central Kentucky, arrange transport, or home pickup. The puppies will come with their tails docked, dew claws removed, up-to-date on shots, vet checked, and AKC papers to register your puppy.
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