Puppies were born on December 20, 2024. Sire is a rough coat ee red (gold) male. He is AKC registered. Weighing approximately 30 lbs. Dam is a rough coat black and white brindle tri point. She is duel registered with ABCA and AKC. Weighing approximately 25 lbs. The grandparents on both sides are brindle. These puppies will carry gold and brindle genes. Close relatives from past litters have gone on to win championship titles in agility and have excelled in herding. Price listed is for pet homes only and does not include breeding rights. Those can be purchased for extra upon request. We require a deposit to hold each puppy. They are ready to go at 7-8 weeks after vet check and shots. We are located in Lake Charles, LA but offer shipping nationwide. We have a handful of flight nanny’s and other options we can use to get the puppy of your choosing to you. Make sure to check us out on Facebook, Paret Reddin Border Collies. Please call or text if you are interested (337) 513-8886.
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