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Rocco is a very confident pup. He currently will heal for me off leash and will follow me and stop in a public place, such as farm store or walking on a sidewalk. He is thick and currently about 56 lbs at 14 weeks old. The other photos are his parents. Which are not up for adoption. You can find us on Facebook as well for more photos. Under our TCM page. He is absolutely a fabulous pup and will be a blessing to whoever picks him. I think he will end up about 135+ lbs in 3 years. He is also house broke and has had any accidents since he was 6 weeks old. He is quite the cuddler yet independent. He has a calm deliberate demeanor that is a true pleasure to be around. Thank you for considering. We have a wide range of ages from new borns to 6 months old. You can see more at Twin Creek Mastadors on FB. We can arrange delivery through Alaska airlines Pet connect. Or meet you at the airport in Seattle or Portland. We have safely transported 400+ pups to all parts of the US including Alaska. We are located in Southwest Washington State and house raise all our pups on a 11 acres farm. With a beautiful creek running the length of our farm. He has familiarity with water and Loves it!
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