I'm a rare blue eyed tri color Aussiedoodle/Bernese, which means that both of my mom is a 50%aussie& 50%poodle and my dad is a purebred Bernese mt. dog! I was born on Black Friday!!!! My mom is red merle with blue eyes and is 35lb. Dad is tri-color and is approx. 90lb. which means that is my possible expected weight as an adult will be 45-65lb. I will have my vet exam and will be up-to-date on my vaccinations and deworming. If you are wanting an early, early Valentine's, I'm Here! I'm ready for my new home before Valentine's Day on January 24th! Come visit and I can be Held with a nonrefundable cash deposit til I'm ready ! If interested Call or text 315.359.7828
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