Adorable male Maltipoo. He was born 9/01/24. He is very healthy, and small. He is a very sweet puppy. Maltipoo puppies are very smart, affectionate, playful, and loving. They have an awseome personality, friendly, and very sweet. They love to please! Contact me for more information. I raise some of the cutest, healthiest puppies on Godβs green Earth! ππ My puppies are well socialized, raised in the home, very friendly, playful, and super cute! House / crate training started. Puppies come with: β Current vaccinations β Deworming β Microchipped β Health records β Pet insurance β Registration papers β 2 year health warranty β Free vet visit β Bath, nails clipped, ear mite treatment β Home/Hand reared β Socialized β House training started β 24/7 Client support β Puppy starter kit (Toys, Treat, Food, pamphlets, coupons) Contact me for deposits, puppy availability, and more information βοΈπ 470.446.9066 β€οΈπΆβ€οΈπΆβ€οΈ We appreciate your business! For an additional fee your puppy can be hand delivered or shipped to your nearest major airport, which includes: * Travel Crate * Health Certificate * Airline Ticket ** Ask us how you can purchase a Puppy Gift Basket which will include everything you need to set-up your new puppy comfortably in your home. **
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