Nickel and Clifford became parents of 10 beautiful babies in this litter. Black Beauty was born at 11:00 a.m on August 7, 2024. She weighed 9 oz and 8 grams at birth and is thriving daily. Our babies will have 2 vaccines before going home, wormed every 2 weeks, tails doc'd, declaws removed and played with on a regular basis. This is Nickels 2nd litter and she is a great mom. We can also offer microchipping for an additional $25. We send a puppy pack to take home. We try to set our puppies up for a very successful transition to their furever home. Please check out our website and our reviews. I would be happy to speak to you via email, phone or in person if you have any questions that I may answer. As always, we appreciate each and every one of our families that get to have one of our babies. Thank you so much.
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