Toy Mini American Shepherd Puppy Valentines is a Stunning Blue Merle boy who is hunting for his forever family. He will be ready to leave me on March 5, 2026. Full-grown weight around 10 lbs. to 15 lbs. Puppies are updated on puppy shot and dewormed. We strive for the whole package. Children friendly, Intelligence, Health, Temperament, Personality, Disability Service, Therapy, Excellent Companion, Very Loyal, and of course Beauty. Both parents are dual registered AKC and ASDR registered and genetic health tested. My furry kids live in my house as a family. We believe in socializing our puppies with inside and outside noises. We don't want them leaving to their new home all afraid and skittish. We love watching how each puppy develops their own little awesome personality. Located near Quartzsite, Arizona. For information 928-575-3439 Thank you, Lisa Visit my website:
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