This gorgeous red tri female is named Shelby .She is AKC registerable and will have a pedigree also. This girl is beautiful with her 2 blue eyes and full white collar. Stunning girl. She was born 12/22 and had tail and dew claws removed. She will go Feb. 2 for first shot and health check. We have a website, for health testing and more pictures of sire and dam. Or call or text us at 931-979-1671 for fresh video or pictures. She will be able to leave on February 14th...Perfect.. . We are located in Cookeville, Tennessee. We use Y2K transport if needed, but encourage local pickup. We also will meet in Nashville or Knoxville if your driving a long distance. She will have AKC application, pedigree, Purina Pro Plan puppy food, toys, treats, baby picture and leash and harness.
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