Tri female , will have current vaccinations. Up to Date injections . Eating dog food Wilderness Blue Buffalo puppy food . Mom is AKC registered, chipped Bi Black female bought from Linda Kettle In New Mexico .. Mom is 18.7 lbs. Dad is 37lbs. sable and white with father colored head sable . Litter 4 puppies . Dew claws removed January 26th 2024 . White Factored If interested call 806-663-9640 or text and you can leave message on puppy find. Com This female has brown fur on her back legs and on her checks. Veterinery Gray County Veterinery 1901 N. Price Rd. 806-665-7197 Puppies are Up to Date on Injections also has the Kennel Cough Will have their Shot record and collar ,leash And some Puppy food and treats when they go to their New Home . Marcella Brooks. 10.6 lbs. weight 4-23-2024 8 week old injections March 21,2024. April 4,,2024 is 10 weeks old 4-23-2024 injections . If interested Call or Text 806-663-9640 The Shelties are Great Theraphy Dogs and can be trained to Help their Owner with any situation needed any disease or anxiety of places. Just takes patience and training . She sleeps in crate at nite with her brother .Has food and water in crate at nite and goes outside in Daytime . Plays with her siblings and cousins in Daytime . Is able to be trained for agility . Weight at 18 weeks old is 16.6 lbs. Marcella Brooks Has had her last injections w/ rabies. Weight 9-6-2024. 24 lbs.
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