ShuffleButt is one Handsome boy! He has a fantastic personality! Puppy will be able to be Registered As CKC American Corgi. He has the classic look and build of the Pembroke Welch Corgi. Mom is small 18 lbs. Registered CKC American Corgi. Dad is 20 lbs of solid muscle. Registered CKC/AKC Pembroke Welch Corgi. Mom is Ms.Diva. Dad rules the farm, protector, and loves outdoors, comes in the house only when he wants to. Mom, Dad, and Pups are Farm Rasied around other animals and our grands. Loves to ride on side by side and following us around. Already crate at night, working on starting potty training process. Had age appropriate puppy shots and been wormed, sending records with puppy and registration application. If no answer, I will gladly call u back asap, because of being at work . Thank you so very much for your interest in my lil furbaby! I can't wait to tell you all about everything I have been doing with him! 706-839-8011
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