Jack is maturing into a fabulous deep, dark red Miniature Goldendoodle puppy with a small patch of white on his chest. He was born on 11/17/24. He is ready to go home 1-18-25. This litter is trained to go on pee pads right now and can easily make the transition to outdoors. Jack has had his 8-week vet check-up and all is well with joints and heart. He is micro-chipped, vaccinated, and ready to go to his forever home. His mom is a Golden Retriever, and dad is a 9lb AKC Miniature Poodle. He is extremely friendly, super playful, healthy, energetic very social, and will end up about 20-30lbs. He will bring lots of joy to a couple or family with a yard to play in. We expect him to be very low to non-shedding. Text us at 616-560-7625 or visit our site at GrandRapidsGoldendoodles.com to learn more!
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