Solid black female German shepherd. We have 2 long coat sable males and stock coat black female parents are V Idoll z Jirkova dvora, IPO3, ZVV2 and A'vanah z Tykev Vino- daughter of world champion Gero z Berounske basty. We have a write up all about Idoll, that will be below. Vannah is about 68 lbs. She is a very social sweet female; she is extremely stable and fearless with a high food and ball drive. She has been a joy to own and raise since she was a puppy, and everything we would want in a stable German Shepherd. We expect the males from this litter to mature to be 80-85 lbs, and the female to be 65-68. Can arrange for transport via ground transport, or willing to meet somewhere within reason. Reasonable offers will be accepted.
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