***SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY***CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK AT BUTTERFLY PUPPIES. **** Marie and Scooby welcomed their very first litter together on September 26th. They had 2 little cuties with the second being this adorable little Chocolate Sable w/ white markings Female. I expect this baby girl to to be around 5-6 lbs full grown. She will be ready to go November, 21st, just in time for the holidays. Breeding rights are additional to approved breeders only. His mother is our 5lb Beaver Piebald Parti Merle female, Marie. His father is our tiny 4 1/2lb Chocolate & Tan male, Scooby. Please share a little about yourself when inquiring on our puppies. A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $500 will reserve the puppy of your choice. Each puppy will come with a 1 year health guarantee that is outlined in my contract. They will also be dewormed, vet checked and up to date on vaccines. We do also offer shipping with a flight nanny for $550-$650 depending on where you are located. Please call or text us at 571-285-9273 to set up an appointment to come meet our little ones :) Thank you, Kirsten & Sarah
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