Peanut is a little cutie. He is a full blood Yorkie. He is black and white parti with tan points on his ears and eyebrows. He currently weighs 1 lb 9 ounces. His mom weighs around 7 pounds and dad is around 8 pounds. He has had his first puppy vaccine and is current on his worming. He eats good. He currently eats Nutrisource Small/Medium breed feed. I also give him Pedigree puppy food that comes in the pouches. He can be registered with Certified Pet Registration if you want. He is ready for his new family now and would make the perfect Christmas gift! I can meet locally or we can ground ship at buyers expense. I have several shoppers I work with and have never had any problems with. If you are interested in that I can get with them to get to total cost for delivery to your home. Feel free to message or call anytime for more information.
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