Meet Harley!! She is a sweet little girl waiting on her new forever home!! She has a laid back and mellow personality and loves everyone she meets!! She is used to being around kids and does wonderful with them!! She is one of the smaller ones in the litter and is est to weigh approx 12-15lbs full grown. She has beautiful stunning markings with her white blaze on her nose/face. She will have a beautiful soft wavy coat full grown and will shed very little if anything at all. Her momma is a cavalier and her daddy is a toy poodle. Hareyis up to date on age appropriate vaccinations and her de-worming schedule has been kept up to date as well. She will also come with a one year genetic health guarantee, and she will be examined by our vet to ensure she is in perfect health before leaving for her new home! She will be ready to leave for her new home on or after Dec 20th! Just in time for Christmas!! For more info on this darling little girl you can call or text me anytime!! (You are welcome to come here to meet the puppies in person or we do also offer delivery if coming here is too far for you 330-473-2984
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