Meet Sonya. She is a beautiful lilac tri female, looking for a home to call her own. She is a good girl loves other dogs female or male. She gets along with small and big dogs. She has never been around cats so I would not trust her around one without a lot of introductions before leaving her freely with one. She is utd on vaccines would need her rabies. But a healthy girl. She is okay with baths but will try to get out of the water the first chance she gets. She lets me do her nails freely not fighting. She is a smart girl and is crate trained. She is very sweet and loves being outside. She isn't walked so a leash and collar would be never new to her she never had a problem since I have a huge yard and let my dogs run freely and do a lot of recall from a young age. I would recommend a harness or a collar tell she gets use to walks. She doesn't travel with me so car rides she may get motion sickness but possibly not. She has a sister diva that she loves fully. I would love them to go together but if they had to be separated it is okay also. If interested please contact. She isn't aggressive or. Have anything wrong with her I am just rehoming to get her to be a dog that's spoiled. She is to be spayed and would need to have a spay contract signed to ensure u would have her spayed n not used for breeding what so ever.
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