Hello 👋 Our mama Ariel (F1 bernedoodle) welcomed 11 beautiful puppies in the early morning hours of 12/2/2024. Puppies are available for their new homes on January 29, 2025. These are Miniature Multigen Bernedoodles, expected to weigh anywhere between 30-45lbs. Perfect family sized dog! This is Banana, she is a beautiful phantom tricolor baby. She has the original bernese mountain dog markings with a wavy coat. You can text me directly at 916-613-3579 to ask me about her and/ or how to reserve. 🩷 What to expect: ♡ Vet check ✔️ ♡ 1st set Vaccines/ dewormer ♡ Med records for your convenience ♡ Health Guarantee ♡ Goody Bag ♡ Health tested parents ♡ Lifetime support from us ❤️
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