Sadie is a white/cream parti, small miniature. She is 11 1/2 inches tall and about 13 lbs. She has a beautiful thick mostly white coat. She is currently shaved down to grow out her adult coat, Sadie is currant on all her age appropriate vaccinations. Parents have been health and genetic tested through Embark. Clear of any health and generic diseases. Tail and dew claws are done. She will come with vaccination record, health report, copy of parents testing and limited AKC Registration. Sadie is crate trained, has always slept in our bedroom. She does not like being alone, she wants a mom that she can shadow and always be with. She is good about going out doors. She needs a patient loving mom. I kept her as a breeder and possible UKC show, but my life changes have changed for us. She will make a sweet loving pet. Please text me if you would like more information.
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