Darla x Barron had a litter of 1 girl & 2 boys on 11/13/24. Deacon is a beautiful light fawn male. Very outgoing, sweet, playful, and quiet. Great with kids and other dogs. 4 lbs @ 9 weeks. Passed his vet check perfectly and ready to join his new family! Mom is 10 lbs, dad is 13 lbs. Adoption application is required to be considered. Puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract for price listed, comes with a 2 year genetic health guarantee, started on puppy pads, raised in our living room and socialized with other dogs and kids, utd on vaccines & dewormer, receive a full vet check before leaving, and are ready to join their new homes after 9 weeks old. Please visit our website for contract information, parents, and the adoption application. jadelynnspuppypalace.com. Follow us on Facebook, Jadelynns Italian Greyhound to stay updated with new pics/videos/posts. Local pickup, we can meet you at our local airport for those that want to fly in to pickup, or we offer to meet up to 3 hours from Fort Branch, IN for a fee to help with gas and drive time.
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