Harley (the mom) is chocolate and white and weighs 11 lbs, and Jasper (the father) is a very dark chocolate and weighs 14 lbs. This litter contains numerous AKC champions in their pedigree. It is extremely rare to have this many AKC Champions in a Havanese pedigree. The litter also contains the very rare chocolate gene, and all puppies are chocolate or chocolate with some white. In fact, this litter is from the most famous Havanese lineage – Los Perritos. I already have a small waiting list for this litter, but if you would like to reserve on of these puppies, I only require a $500 deposit which, of course, is applied towards the adoption price of $2,500. All puppies will be up-to-date on shots and will have started the potty training and nightly crate training. They come with AKC registration rights, complete shot record, crate, bed, food/water bowl for the crate, leash, health guarantee, puppy food, mom and dad's pedigrees, disposable puppy pads, toys, and lifetime support. Don't let this any of these puppies pass you by. They will be that perfect, fun-loving addition that you have been looking for. Shipping is an additional $750. You can visit my website to see pictures of the parents and pictures of previous puppies. Please be aware there are many scams for purebred Havanese puppies. If the price is too good to be true, then more than likely, you are not getting a purebred Havanese puppy. I only breed Havanese, so you don't have to worry about mix breeding or a puppy mill environment. They all live inside my house, and are very well taken care of on a daily basis. I can provide numerous references from previous new owners of my puppies. Please read my reviews from past new puppy owners, and visit my website www.premierhavanesedogs.com. If you would like to join my reservation list, you can contact me either by phone or email. I'm a 5 star highly ethical Havanese breeder, and I have met all of the requirements to be an established member of the AKC breeders with H.E.A.R.T program.
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