Please read add before contacting me so you dont waste your time and mine. Azul is a beautiful blue merle purebred pomeranian puppy available for $650 to a pet home.I est him to be around 6-7 lb grown. He has a nice thick coat and a very social outgoing personality.Azul comes with shot/worming record, he has had his 5 way and Neopar, and comes with sample of his food, blanket & toy.I dont do videos, only pics on add, dont ask for pics of parents since this isnt whats for sale, parents never look like babies with color or size. I meet people in person and can pay in cash when picking him up. You can text asking if baby is available,after that you need to call me so i can talk with you to see if you are right person for my puppy.From my experience scammers only want to text and why i need to talk with you.thank you
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