Roman is AKC Registerable, Black and Silver male with Brown Eyes. His tail has been docked and dew claws removed. He is UTD on vacs and Dewormer. The vet has given him a healthy puppy stamp at his 13 week visit. Mom is a Liver with Soft coat and weighs 14 lbs. Dad is Black and Silver with Mega coat and weighs 17 lbs. Roman is a very outgoing, entertaining, and intelligent "little rascal."♡ He is fiercly playful, energetic, and talkative. He likes to sleep in his crate or snuggled up next to his humans. He is ready for his new home. Pet price is $800 and requires $200 non-refundable Deposit. Breeding rights price is $1,800 and requires non-refundable $300 Deposit.
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