Litter of German Shorthaired pointer puppies that were born 12/24/2024. We have 4 Females and 1 male available. Mother is on site and is a loved member of our family. The daddy is owned by my brother-in-law and twin sister. These puppies are 4th generation puppies that we have raise and we have their maternal great-great grandparents on site. The puppies come with AKC papers (Limited registration), 2 sets of shots and will be up to date on deworming before going to their new homes. Their tails have been docked and dew claws have been removed. FULL registration can be discussed got an additional fee... these puppies come from champion bloodlines! They will make the best pets and/or hunting companions. $1000... (A $100 deposit is required to hold a puppy). They will be ready for their new homes February 11th. Please contact Sarah at 434-709-8243 if interested (text/call). Located in penhook, Virginia...Thanks and God Bless! Visit us on Facebook at Friendly Goldens & GSPs for updates (link below)
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