We are accepting a deposit for Anthem, she is tri colored, was born on Jan 11 and will be ready for her new home March 1st!! She does have multiple champions in her pedigree, she is AKC, her tail is docked, dew claws removed, will be dewormed 3 times, have first set of vaccines at 6 weeks old, will be vet checked, and comes with a 1-year health guarantee. Anthem is $2,000 pet price and we are accepting a $300 deposit to hold her. We are located in Draper VA, we will meet on pick up day and will also meet the buyer at the Charlotte NC airport if interested in flying to pick her up. Please call/text (276)620-6980 if interested. Visit our website www.shadyoakswftandwelshes.weebly.com and you can also follow us on Instagram at shadyoakswftandwelshs for live videos!!
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