Sweet F1B Cavapoo Female Tan color born on Cinco De Mayo (5/5/24) and weighed 5.2oz at birth! Litter was of 5. 4 females and 1 male. 2 females and 1 male have already found their fur-ever family, but 2 females are still available. Price decreased $300 new price as shown. Accepting Deposits for waiting list. $500 Non-refundable decreased to $300 but will apply towards balance. Tax not included! Ready for their fur-ever families now. No holds without deposit. Pups will come with 1 yr. Health Guarantee, up to date vaccinations, and microchipped. Dam is a Cavapoo named Nala and weighs 14 lbs and Sire is a CKC registered Toy Poodle named Simba and weighs 9 lbs. Call 972-343-8073 to reserve now! If purchased between 12/7/24-12/21/24 I will also include additional 10% off listed price! Zelle Accepted.
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