This beautiful sable and white female has a vibrant full white collar and a nice deep sable tone. She is a little doll. Her mother is an AKC/CKC 7 pound 12 inch lighter tone sable girl. Mom is very outgoing and very obedient lady. Dad is a CKC 6 pound 11.5 inches color headed white or white factored guy. He is a little more reserved but has a wonderful calm personality. Paris will have her CKC registration. These two have this beautiful litter of two! Rear dewclaws have been removed. This little girl will be ready at 8 weeks old on 2/14 Valentine's day! She will come with her FL. Health certificate and vet care up to date. If you are interested in this little girl text me about "Paris"! (352) 239-9417 Thank you for your interest!
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