🐾Yellow Male was born on December 25, 2024. He will be ready to leave between February 12-19, 2025. 🐾He will have his first vaccination, dewormers starting at 3 weeks until he leaves . 🐾AKC registered with his AKC application 🐾Their personalities are wonderful you would have to meet them in person to see how great it is. We are a military family so we get them socially prepared for an easy transition to their new home. 🐾 We have both parents on site that are also AKC registered. They both have the best temperaments were raised around other dogs, small and large and around children. 🐾Sire is Sable stock coat DM clear 🐾 Dam is Red/Blonde stock coat DM clear 🐾Czech and German show line lineage 🐾We are located in Fort Ashby, Wv. but willing to meet halfway if it is necessary. If you have any other questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to text me/message me on here or email me. Thank you for looking and have a blessed day. Facebook-Gabe’s Sunrise Kennels Donna Evans 304-359-0204 angel_savannah2011@yahoo.com
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