Andie is a chocolate little boy and has green eyes. I call him Rolly Poley a lot, he is sooo cute!!!! He has been wormed four times, six week worming he weighted 1.53 lb., and has received his six and right week vaccination. The pups are using pee pads and I have put in a litter tray for them but they haven't used it yet! Mom is a registered Havanese, 8.5 lbs and dad is a registered Toy Poodle and he weighs 8 lbs. The puppies are born and raised in our sunroom. There is a $200 non-refundable deposit for me to hold Andie if you would want him to be part of your family. The deposit will be refunded if something happened to him while in my care. We can meet at a reasonable distance and if you want to ship that would be on the buyer to pay and make arrangements. Please text me at 417-250-1069 if you are interested in Andie.
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