Macy is for pet only, will not come with papers. She was born to my Chocolate miniature Poodle, moms name is Coco, she weighs 12 lbs and is not registered. Coco is very energetic! Papa's name is Cooper, a king Charles Cavalier and weighs around 25lbs is calm and very laid back! There were 3 identical girls in this litter! Macy has been vetted and is good to go! She has a sister Mopsy available as well. I cannot project their adult weight as this is the first litter for these parents. I would prefer to meet potential customers in person, although I'm willing to ship as well. Shipping is generally $450.-500. For more information, You may call or text 573-789-2122 and I'm ALWAYS happy to chat with you in person! A scammer will seldom want to talk with a real person! Although I get so many scam calls myself, so I do not always answer, but please leave a message! Sunday calls will be returned on Monday We are at times tied up with other obligations but try to reply asap! Thank you and God bless your patience!
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