UNO is THE BEST OF THE BEST! She is TINY!!! She is 15 weeks old and 2.0 lbs. She is an AKC long coat tri colored female out of a Russian plush coat gold extreme show quality applehead dam and a show quality champion line American plush coat gold extreme applehead sire. (sire and dam pictures are posted) Short and square. Shortest body we've had so far in a puppy. Her ears are perfectly set and nice and small. Her bite is good. She is weaned and is eating a combination of hard and soft food. Uno is eating good and ready for her new home. SHE IS TOO TINY TO EVER HAVE PUPPIES! If you are looking for a tiny purse baby, this is it! She will be current on all shots and wormings (she has had her rabies shot). She is a little DIVA and prances. Very loving tiny dog! Please call or text: Jody 903 521-1481 or
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