
Mr. Brown

Miniature Schnauzer
Male, Born on 12/25/2024 - 4 weeks old

All About Me!

Sweet little boy born on Christmas Day 2024. Ready Valentines Day 2025. He is a salt and pepper male. Mom was about 10lbs before conception and Dad is 9lbs. Both parents are very sweet and playful so I suspect they will have a similar personality. All puppies that come from my home are socialized around children and the dogs in my home. They will come with UKCI registration papers for $900 without papers $800. There is a $200 NON REFUNDABLE deposit. This deposit is used to care for your puppy while in my care. There is a 1 yr Health guarantee against any congenital defect that is found. I can send a copy of my health guarantee to be read over if needed.He will have a vet exam, age appropriate vaccination and will be wormed before he goes home. All puppies are cleared by my vet before going to their new homes. I send home a puppy pack with each puppy. In this pack there is paperwork from the vet, registration, sample of their food, and a few other things to get them started in their home. Please feel free to message me here or text me 919-618-7510 if you have any further questions. I also am willing to do FaceTime as well if you would like.Puppies are able to be shipped for an additional fee. If you request a health certificate from the vet you will have to cover the cost of that as well.Delivery is available at an additional cost.

Why I stand out

Health Certificate
Health Guarantee
Vet Exam
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