Saffron’s Miss Mistletoe is a white female puppy born 10-27-24, priced at $1250.00 with limited registration and a spay contract. Her registration is AKC, American Kennel Club. She has a sweet playful personality. She uses a doggy door to go outside to go potty. She is very smart. She is basically house trained for you. You will just need to watch her close at first to make sure she adjusts to her new home. She is a sweetie. She is a very energetic puppy. She is very friendly and loves attention. She enjoys playing with her brother and Aunt Goldie. She is a short coat puppy. She has a soft snow white short coat with very light gold highlights on her ears. With her ears standing she looks like she has two halos above her head. If you are looking for an energetic puppy she might be the girl for you. She enjoys puppy biscuit treats. Her mother is Saffron, my long coat red fawn brindle mom. Her father is Drogon, my white dad. She has a puppy replacement health guarantee on genetic issues until one year old. Her shots and wormings are up to date and she has been vet checked. She comes with 30 days of pet insurance free for accidents and illnesses, that the new pet owner must activate. After the free 30 days you can keep the pet insurance or it will self cancel. She can be reserved for you with a $200.00 non-refundable deposit. I accept puppy payment through Paypal, Walmart Money Gram, or Western Union. She is available for puppy pick up now. She can be shipped. Shipping is an extra charge of $700.00 which includes crate, airfare, rabies shot and health certificate. I fly my puppies on Fridays. She will make an amazing new addition to your family.
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